Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Just a quick little post today. As you can see I've added the WBC ratings to the blog, they will be updated every month to let you know who's ripping it up.
The 2 Foreman admiring their shitty work. You can see the massive crack in their dodgy retaining wall.
Things in the school yard have been pretty cruisy this week, not too hot with all this rain around so everyone has been in good spirits.We had a couple of 'traditional' steelies come down from the goldy this week to give us a hand. When I say' traditional' steelies I mean that 90% of steel fixers are all the same, they get blind every night, stoned as all day and night, and usually sleep very little thurs-monday. Very funny characters most of them. One of the guys to come down was Crazy Craig. He's about 4ft tall, almost 50 years old and as his nickname suggests, he is crazy. He got his finger jammed between 2 very heavy steel bars, Ripping his fingernail clean off, blood pissing out every where, but that didn't stop him. He just kept working. We had to tell him to go wrap it up cause he was putting blood everywhere. Mate if that was me I would of went straight home.
Our 2 little ferals have spent the last 2 days at home because of the rain. Usually that drives them insane but they have been playing together really well, dancing and painting.
The littlest one in the belly has been busy as well, rolling around and kicking like crazy.
Jess has been awesome again, looking after us all making sure we are all fed, healthy and happy.
Oh to be 8 again
Monday night we went out to our Niece's birthday which was great! More great food and great company, not to mention the beer!
Sad looking fun
Today the rain set in a bit heavier so we finished work early and I was lucky enough to find myself some fun waves. With the wind and rain around I thought I'd wear my steamer, BAD move! I was cooking! my hands were as red as the front light at 19 orlando st.
So we've passed hump day again. This weekend is looking busy. I gota work sat, then there's curry fest in woopi, after that Manly play cronulla. Sunday we are having a boardriders thing for youth week. I'm not sure what's happening, but any excuse to hang at the beach and eat off the barby.
See ya round like a rissole.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Construction Women

To all our devoted followers, we are sorry for being so slack this week and not putting up a post since Tuesday. This is pretty much due to me just being a lazy so and so.  Also I missed placed the cord for my phone so I couldn't upload any pictures.
This rainbow brought a smile to our faces at work
Not too much out of the ordinary has gone down. I've been flat out at work so didn't surf till saturday. The girls have been great, they finished their summer block of swimming lessons and passed with flying colours. Yew, go the little fishys! Jess and our little belly grom are doing sweet, although a little tired, it hasn't stopped Jess from looking after all of us in fine fashion. We are very lucky!
Too Cool
Little sunshine
Work has been funny. I just sing all day, a few of the boys join in but I know the others hate it, so that spurs me on even more. Working in construction in general cracks me up. People think of us workers as big, strong, hard working men, but really it's just a bunch of little boys playing with concrete blocks instead of lego. There are so many mistakes made, even by the engineers. Also the building site is like the school yard. All the different trades are like gangs and tend to stick together, there are bullys [usually the big wigs who sit in the office and don't get dirty], but the best aspect is the bitching. All these so called big strong men, walking around whinging and bitching like little girls, it's classic!
Safety is paramount in Coffs Harbour
My only surf for the week was on satdy arvo at my local, and it was pumping! A few left hand barrels to end the working week, ah yeah!
I was ready for the early but woke to a drop in swell and a strong southerly so went back home for scrambled eggs instead.
We had a birthday party to attend today. Our great friends Tom and Sherrin from St Images were throwing a shindig for their little champ Billy, and man it was a party! Mrs woods went all out with catering and fun games for the kids. On the menu was corn chip and salsa, fruit and marsh-mellow kebabs, sushi, sausage rolls, the best spring rolls ever!, pizza, and of course plenty of sweets. All of which was home made and for my judging critique I say 1O/1O. Everyone was as full as a butchers pup. The kids played pin the trunk on the elephant, Disco Freeze, Treasure Hunt, pass the parcel and had a chalk drawing contest on the driveway so needless to say, after 4hrs they were all ready for bed. On ya Shezza, top notch true blue fairdinkum! Stone the flam'n crows, what a party!  
Billys wicked cake
So after a massive day all of us Craigs are ready to kick back and do sfa. Bit of footy then Patrick Jane on the Mentalist should see me out, ready to go back to the school yard tomoz and stir the pot. Look out kids.