Monday, February 14, 2011

Marg......The rains are 'ere.

Ari rain dreaming
Muffin Mix
Waking up to the sound of rain today, love it. When there's rain, there's usually swell, fingers crossed for tomoz. Jess went to yoga while I stayed home like a good husband and looked after the ferals. I then had to go to coffs for work so I checked a few spots for waves, it was pretty ugly but there are still some banks around to keep ya excited. I spent most of the afternoon trying to make this blog more appealing but I think I'm guna have to call in some expert help coz all I seemed to do was get a sore butt from the chair and sore ears from the mrs for being on the computer all day. The young'ins were great today, ari was kept occupied with shrek and a few books, and as usual little fatty was happy so long as she had some food in her mouth. Jess also treated us with some great banana and blueberry muffins, yumo, and to top it all off the second installment of the underbelly movies is on tonight. Yiha. As my good mate cisco would say " living the dream".