Sunday, February 13, 2011

Sunday Sunday

yeeeew! what a day! we all spent the morning at red rock.Its such a great place for the kids to play/swim, even to catch a few waves. As for the surfing, I am feeling a little bit surfed out, I had 3 pretty sik sessions on Friday and am feeling it so laying in the warm rock pools at redy was great. Come home and chip sangas on the menu for lunch, then big steak and salad for tea, gotta love summer time. The only bad thing was that Isla took another tumble, standing up on the chair and it fell over. She headbutted the glass door now she got a fat lip (not as fat as mine) to go with the big graze on her forehead, from doing the same thing yesterday, but being the terror she is, this wont hold her back! 

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