Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Just a quick little post today. As you can see I've added the WBC ratings to the blog, they will be updated every month to let you know who's ripping it up.
The 2 Foreman admiring their shitty work. You can see the massive crack in their dodgy retaining wall.
Things in the school yard have been pretty cruisy this week, not too hot with all this rain around so everyone has been in good spirits.We had a couple of 'traditional' steelies come down from the goldy this week to give us a hand. When I say' traditional' steelies I mean that 90% of steel fixers are all the same, they get blind every night, stoned as all day and night, and usually sleep very little thurs-monday. Very funny characters most of them. One of the guys to come down was Crazy Craig. He's about 4ft tall, almost 50 years old and as his nickname suggests, he is crazy. He got his finger jammed between 2 very heavy steel bars, Ripping his fingernail clean off, blood pissing out every where, but that didn't stop him. He just kept working. We had to tell him to go wrap it up cause he was putting blood everywhere. Mate if that was me I would of went straight home.
Our 2 little ferals have spent the last 2 days at home because of the rain. Usually that drives them insane but they have been playing together really well, dancing and painting.
The littlest one in the belly has been busy as well, rolling around and kicking like crazy.
Jess has been awesome again, looking after us all making sure we are all fed, healthy and happy.
Oh to be 8 again
Monday night we went out to our Niece's birthday which was great! More great food and great company, not to mention the beer!
Sad looking fun
Today the rain set in a bit heavier so we finished work early and I was lucky enough to find myself some fun waves. With the wind and rain around I thought I'd wear my steamer, BAD move! I was cooking! my hands were as red as the front light at 19 orlando st.
So we've passed hump day again. This weekend is looking busy. I gota work sat, then there's curry fest in woopi, after that Manly play cronulla. Sunday we are having a boardriders thing for youth week. I'm not sure what's happening, but any excuse to hang at the beach and eat off the barby.
See ya round like a rissole.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Construction Women

To all our devoted followers, we are sorry for being so slack this week and not putting up a post since Tuesday. This is pretty much due to me just being a lazy so and so.  Also I missed placed the cord for my phone so I couldn't upload any pictures.
This rainbow brought a smile to our faces at work
Not too much out of the ordinary has gone down. I've been flat out at work so didn't surf till saturday. The girls have been great, they finished their summer block of swimming lessons and passed with flying colours. Yew, go the little fishys! Jess and our little belly grom are doing sweet, although a little tired, it hasn't stopped Jess from looking after all of us in fine fashion. We are very lucky!
Too Cool
Little sunshine
Work has been funny. I just sing all day, a few of the boys join in but I know the others hate it, so that spurs me on even more. Working in construction in general cracks me up. People think of us workers as big, strong, hard working men, but really it's just a bunch of little boys playing with concrete blocks instead of lego. There are so many mistakes made, even by the engineers. Also the building site is like the school yard. All the different trades are like gangs and tend to stick together, there are bullys [usually the big wigs who sit in the office and don't get dirty], but the best aspect is the bitching. All these so called big strong men, walking around whinging and bitching like little girls, it's classic!
Safety is paramount in Coffs Harbour
My only surf for the week was on satdy arvo at my local, and it was pumping! A few left hand barrels to end the working week, ah yeah!
I was ready for the early but woke to a drop in swell and a strong southerly so went back home for scrambled eggs instead.
We had a birthday party to attend today. Our great friends Tom and Sherrin from St Images were throwing a shindig for their little champ Billy, and man it was a party! Mrs woods went all out with catering and fun games for the kids. On the menu was corn chip and salsa, fruit and marsh-mellow kebabs, sushi, sausage rolls, the best spring rolls ever!, pizza, and of course plenty of sweets. All of which was home made and for my judging critique I say 1O/1O. Everyone was as full as a butchers pup. The kids played pin the trunk on the elephant, Disco Freeze, Treasure Hunt, pass the parcel and had a chalk drawing contest on the driveway so needless to say, after 4hrs they were all ready for bed. On ya Shezza, top notch true blue fairdinkum! Stone the flam'n crows, what a party!  
Billys wicked cake
So after a massive day all of us Craigs are ready to kick back and do sfa. Bit of footy then Patrick Jane on the Mentalist should see me out, ready to go back to the school yard tomoz and stir the pot. Look out kids.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

ol sleepy

Duno what happened this morning? Jess had to wake me at 625am, which left me 5mins to get ready for work.
I only had time to make my cuppa, get dressed, then out the door. I must of slept through my alarm? First time I've done that in years.
The new 4 story office block on high st Coffs
Sooo not keen on the way into Coffs. My caffine levels were down and it was drizzling rain, I was still half asleep just dreading what the day was going to offer. First stop was the new Coles job. We had to finish the rest of the columns and then stand them with the forklift. It was lunchtime by the time we finished, then we headed over to St Augustines school to finish the day.
Us steelies love a bit of rain sometimes
Jess had an appointment at Rosies "house of pain" this morning whilst the ferals played at nans. No major reports on the girls, they are still powering along. Ari being a great big sister to her little psycho sibling.
Wrestle time
Looks like the dirty flu germ could be rearing it's head again. Ari has some green goo and a bit of a cough, Isla is putting up a bit of a fight though so hopefully the dirty germ doesn't get a hold of us too bad.
Hump day tmoz, gee the weeks roll bye when your working. Looks like I'll be working saturday this week so if your reading this huey, save all the barrels for sunday.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Up then down.

Nearly broke my leg trying to exit this one
The real slim shady is back! I would like to say a big thanks to wifey for pickn up the slack over the weekend, and delivering 2 great posts. I better not let her do anymore otherwise I'll be overthrown as editor.
I woke up this morning feeling great, after an awesome day yesty, I was pumped and ready for work.
Tight hook under the lip at boardriders
Yesterday was pretty hectic, surfed 5 heats, won 2 divisions, celebrated our good friends birthday, watched manly smash newcastle, had a good jam on the axe and still managed to watch my mate Patrick Jane in my fav. show on tv.
So, up early and off to work. We are just starting the basement slab of a new 4 storey office block in Coffs Harbour. As usual all the steel wasn't there so at about 11am we had to go over the road to the new coles site and build 36 columns. For those of you who don't know what columns are, columns are those annoying things in multi-storey car parks that are always put too close together so that every time you park it's like sitting a Holden precision driving test. Oh and they also hold the building up.
By the end of the day we had made about 15 columns and I was rat shit! Turns out I'm not so tough after all?
Ari's new footy card collection and her fav. Jamie Lyon
Too cool for school
Came home to find out Ari was having a sleepover at nan's, so only the little terror to worry about, which is still gnarly. Jess had made the most amazing spag bowl I've ever tasted and after a few beers I'm ready to annihilate a massive plate full.
Lookn forward to bed and hopefully a good nights sleep. Go to the coles site and smash the rest of the columns first thing in the morning, then over to our other job to finish the day.
Got my new board coming this week and also heading to Sawtell for Dean Morrison's movie premiere on friday night. So I rekon this weeks guna be a cracker, and I havn't even looked at the swell forecast.
Head down bum up.

Thanks to Tom and Shezza :] from St images for the great pics above, and their massive effort at boardriders yesty. Not only did they stand behind the lens all day in the sun [and Tom was also busy killing giants in the water] they had 7OO photos to sort through and edit after all that. Check out for more boardriders action.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Better Half... Part 2

I'm Ba-Ack! Yep, John has passed the blog duties to me again, I promise this will not become a habit!
The good news is that there may be a little Surf news in this one.
Being the week end edition we will start from yesterday morning, same as the rest of the mornings for John, up early making his lunch and quietly preparing for work. I had the SMALL challenge of getting the house in order for the "Open House" whilst taking care of both girls, stress levels  were up and I was already exhausted by the time I got everyone strapped in the Car and heading into Woopi for Coffee with Nan and Aunty Cath. Was feeling much better after a very weak coffee and a few deep breaths.
I happily left Isla with her Nan for a couple of hours so Ari and I could have some one on one time in Coffs, shopping for new shoes. Shopping is far from my idea of relaxing mother and daughter time but we actually had a really nice trip, got a few great bargains and I really enjoyed being able to give Ari my undivided attention for once. She is turning 4 next month which is hard for me to get my head around, so having these times with her is so important, time is passing way to quickly!
Ari waiting for her big girl lunch with Mum.
John finished work before lunch but didn't make it to the water, something about the wind destroying what ever waves there were, but I'm thinking maybe the silent yet persistent call from the “Yucky Pub” was far too strong. So John enjoyed the end of his working week at his favourite place while I swapped girls with Nan and bought the little Terror home with me whilst Ari stayed for a sleep over. While I was cooking dinner Isla realised that she hadn't significantly smashed her head yet for the day and somehow ran into one of the dining room chairs, adding yet another bruise to her precious little head. John has asked me in all seriousness if they sell head guards for babies, I think he may be onto something.
Apparently head injuries are pretty funny?!

Sunday, being the last Sunday of the month means Boardriders! I didn't think it would be a very good day for it, family wise because of the crazy Southerly but the girls and I got down there a bit before lunch and had a great afternoon. John did his thing and the judges obviously liked it as he won both Over 28's and Opens Division. YAY for John!!! We even won, 3 times over, in the raffle at the end of day. John's good friend, and Ari's favourite person, Manos decided to head down from the Goldcoast today, on his birthday. While I baked him the dodgyest chocolate cake ever, John, Manos, Shan and Mitch watched Manly ruin the Knights wining streak while Ari, Evie and Tully enjoyed each others company and kept Baby Isla entertained.
We managed to make Manos very uncomfortable, singing him happy birthday and setting him the challenge of blowing out some candles, something that took him a bit of time, hehe.
Poor Manos, didn't handle the attention too well.
So this finds us in the present, John just finished a very short jam session and is now settled down to watch his fav show – the Mentalist, and Manos is about to head out the door for a Birthday Booty call. Me, I'm hopefully signing off from my last blog entry and heading to bed with Tim Winton – well his words anyway.
Hope you've all had a great week end!

Friday, March 25, 2011

From the better half... Jess

Sorry to all of the regulars who look forward to a little inside information into John's world, Hi Tom!, but the man is all worn out so I'm taking one for the team and keeping the Blog alive this Friday. Usually the quiet proof reader, it's time to take the reins...
So no stories of Surf or Steel tonight, or anything of great importance really so I won't be offended if you choose to tune out now.
Life on the 'homefront' was pretty run of the mill, Daddy Bear up early getting ready for work, being super quiet to let the rest of us sleep in, then Ari's little pitta patta marking the start of the day for me. Photographer for the Real Estate coming over today, to help them on their quest to sell our house meant that after dropping an incredibly gorgeous and independent Ari at "Little School" it was house-work time! This is always challenging when Isla is around, trying to 'help out', which is basically following me around pulling down anything I put away, trying to clean the inside of the toilets with her bare hands, picking the leaves off the plants and disposing of  them in her mouth and making the day more exciting by seeing how many different ways she can hurt herself . On the list for today was a busted lip, 2 big head knocks and a big bruise and scratch on her forehead, adding to an already bruised cheek, grazed knee, and cut shin. Sometimes I have no idea where this little boy child trapped in a girls body was sent from, luckily on the flip side she is the most adorable little creature, otherwise I would have sent her back long ago.
I got Isla out of the house before the Photographer got her to stop her mission of destruction, had tea and scones with our Nanna Alice, yes, very lady-like, and let Isla terrorise her household for a bit before visiting the Library and heading home for a rest.
Picking up Ari from School is always a highlight as both Isla and I miss her company and enjoy hearing her reports of the day. The girls then got a treat in picking Dad up from work, they have had to get used to not having John around so much now he is back 'on the steel' so they absolutely LOVE it when he gets home at the end of the day, and I love watching them shower their precious love and attention on him, must be the best thing to come home to.
After a full day at work in the sun John's labour was far from over, thanks to the open house tomorrow he had to charge up the ipod and shift to garden man mode. The girls and I went through our nightly routine to the soundtrack of the whipper snipper and lawn mower, Ari and Isla being put down to bed just as John was finishing his work for the day. Which explains why now, after a huge meal and a few beers not even the football has managed to keep John from falling asleep on the lounge. Being the kind and loving wife I am *cough* I'll let him sleep, knowing he has to go back to work tomorrow then tend to Nanna Alice's lawn has bought out a little compassion in me.

In between Jobs. He'll hate this! hahaha, never fall asleep and leave me incharge!
Here's hoping that he has a little more energy tomorrow night so I don't have to bore the blog with the mundane events of my day again!
Until next time viewers, take care of yourselves and each other, say hi to your mum for me, and take some time to enjoy the view, aaanyway.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Double up

Sorry there was no blog yesty, we went to the old's for a bbq last night and didn't get home till late.
So lets rewind the tape.
It was an early day at work yesty and the surf was pumping, so I was very happy about that.
Jess took the ferals to the pool for swimming lessons, with great reports. Except for the little terror Isla head-butting the side of the kiddie pool resulting in a massive bruise and a lot of pain.
After my 3hr surf I was pretty happy to be going to my mum's for a big barbie feed! As usual they put on a great spread, and Jess made an awesome potato bake as well.
Mad dogs
The girl's also enjoyed their time at nans, but as always, they started to get a bit crazy towards the end.
Crazy Isla
Jess had a terrible night with Isla! Isla started screaming at 12 and didn't go back to sleep till 3:3O. Dunno what was wrong? But she has been a little outa sorts since her vaccinations.
My boss told us we were starting work a bit later today so there was time for an early morning surf. YiHa!
I caught up with Tom from St surf Images to try and get sum water shots, and although the surf was small, we still got a couple of sweet hook ups!
Best part of the day
Getting barreled first thing in the morning makes everything great, so needless to say, work was fun today.
Super fun this morning
Setn it up
Pig dog!
Ari went to little school, and Isla done her usual, just destroying herself around the house.
I hope for everyone's sake that Isla has a good nights sleep tonight.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Someone turned the heater on today, man was it hot!! I had so much sweat dripping of me, it was like a running tap. Sweat in my eyes, running into my mouth, yum.
We were working back at the school, I think the teachers were glad that it was so hot cause it shut us up today, there wasn't much singing coming from us steelies. The students were very disappointed, but we were struggling to breath let alone sing. To make it worse the northerly breeze was blowing the septic right up our nose. Now, I know I've got a bit of a bad reputation when it comes to rear end fragrance, but this schools septic had me covered easy! So dripping wet, covered in sweat and 500 kids poo particles, we were very pleased to knock off early today.
There was no surf for me this arvy, I had to drop my shit box car off at the mechanic. I was a bit worried about towing it through woopi but it all went sweet, I'm hoping it will be something cheap and easy to fix, otherwise it will be going to scrap yard! Full tank of fuel in the f@#$ing thing too.
My 4 girls at the beach, love it!
Jess and I took the girls down to the beach for a swim after the mechanic. The water is still awesome and after the hot day we had, it was a perfect finish. Ari and Isla had fun in the sand as always.
Cool beach hut
Queen of the hut
Home for dinner, baths and bed, but someone still has the heater on? Wtf? Bring on winter I say.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Rock Lobster

bit bumpy early
Waking up to the sound of rain this morning was bliss. Not only did I think that work would be called off but I knew the surf would be pumping. I was already toss'n up which spot I would go to.
Some wise person once told me "Never count your chickens before they hatch". I wish I had of thought of that this morning, coz how wrong I was!
It pissed down rain all the way to work, then as we pull up to job site, the sun comes out. I didn't think to take suncream either and now I'm fluro red.
We had a massive day at work today! I'm not 100% sure, but I think we put about 30 tonnes of steel in!
The boys struggling. We steeled that whole area you can see
I managed to drag my sunburn out for a surf after work, so now I'm F@#$%^.
couple of fun ripbowls sarvy
Jess and the girls spent most of the day at home. The 2 ferals played nicely while Jess cleaned and washed and cooked and had a fight with the resident ant colony thats slowly taking over our house.
I'm very lucky to come home to a clean house and a great feed, not to mention the 3 happy, beautiful ladies that welcome me everyday.
There's only one more thing I want to add, and that is to say how bad that stupid show Glee is.

Sunday, March 20, 2011


Pretty much a one day weekend for us. I worked saturday morning then spent the rest of the day at home sooking about my runny nose while Jess prepared everything for Isla's birthday party today.
Sunday started with a bang. I went for a quick surf with my sister at our favourite little spot, and although the tide was a bit high, we got some great waves. A great start to the day!
surf pumping again
2 weeks ago we had planned a birthday bash for Isla at red rock but the weather didn't come to the party so we post-poned it till today. We woke today to grey skies and threatening rain, but mother nature was going to have to do more than that to dampen my spirits. I was 100% sure that the rain would hold of and it did.
The birthday girl
After changing the venue 3 times, only 2 hours before party time, Jess and I were a bit stressed to say the least. But like always, Jess had everything that organized, that we still arrived ahead of schedule.
We ended up going to Woopi lake for the party, which I was happy with. I spent a lot of my childhood down there at bbq's with the old's. I haven't been down to the lake for a while and when I got there all the smells of the sand and mud brought back great memories. It made me really happy to be there celebrating our 2nd daughters 1st birthday with our family and friends!
The boys discussing what really matters
All the kids had a great time playing in the park then swimming in the lake. The fellas had a great time drinking beer over the barbie, and needless to say the women had a great time gas bagging about whatever women gasbag about.
Loving it!!
Right on cue the rain came so we all packed up and went home, hopefully leaving the kids with some cool memories of the lake, like I have, of when I was a wee pecker.
The day was far from over. Manly were playing East's and after such an awesome day fueled by optimism I just knew that they would win. It was a very courageous performance by the sea eagles! Even though we were missing 4 of our best players, last years grand finalists, easts, were no match.
Guess who had a good birthday?
I couldn't think of a better way to close out the day.
Kids are in bed, and I've finished this post just in time to watch my favourite crime show on tv, The Mentalist.
As long as there is no "Red John" on the show, I will have a good sleep, ready for the week ahead.  

Friday, March 18, 2011

Silly Singing Steelfixers

Day 2 back on the steel. My shoulder was too sore to touch let alone put any steel on. Overall it was a pretty good day, no major dramas. We had our own little karaoke thing happening, bringing out some old crackers, including- Womack and Womack's Teardrops, Chris Deburg's Lady in red, even Bette Midler got a run with Wind beneath my wings.
Today we were doing extensions at a pretty flash private school with a few of the classrooms surrounding our work area. Our karaoke efforts must have been causing the kids to be a little distracted because the classroom windows closed and the blinds were drawn pretty fast. I bet that no kid at that school will ever aspire to be a steelfixer after today. They must of thought we were mad? well we are I spose.   
still some fun out there this morning
Jess had to do another swellnet surf report today and nailed it again. I'll make a surf chicky out of her yet.
Ari went off to little school where she learnt how to draw a spiders web and thankfully she didn't come home with the same bad attitude like she did yesterday.
Ari loves the camera
Isla was up to her same tricks, not giving Jess a minutes peace. She might be reacting to the vaccinations and massage but man she is a handfull. Pretty cute and funny to come home to after work though.
our crazy little walker
Quiet night on the cards, got some wicked enchiladas for dinner then footy, early bed then up for work.
Back in the grind. yew!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Like riding a bike.

The new Coffs Harbour coles site
After 5 months out of the construction arena, man did it whip my ass today! I stupidly thought I'd handle it easy, piece of cake, oh how I was wrong.
First up we had to carry 11mtr long, 16ml thick, steel bars, about 5O meters. Thats ok if there's only a few, but 2 tonnes worth, F@#$. Needless to say, it wasn't long before my shoulder and neck started hurting. It sure is much easier threading 4ft tubes!
A lot of steel
The rest of the day got easier, not as much lifting, but as I'm typing, my swollen, throbbing shoulder would beg to differ.
Lucky for me my boss is awesome and shouted a few beers after work. Even better, I came home to an absolutely spotless house, dinner cooked, and a beautiful wife that was willing to massage my aching muscles.
Ari went to little school today and Jess told me she came home with a terrible attitude! Hanging with the wrong crew I think.
Isla had a good day at home just being a terror, into everything, falling over, making a mess, but she is walking heaps, so we're stoked with that.
With me at work early, Jess had the pressure of the swellnet surf report today, which she handled with ease.  I was devo'd when I checked out the photo's of this morning's surf, because once again it was pumping. Only small, but heaps better than carrying steel through mud.
My little precious sand bank pumping for the 1Oth day straight.
If the rain holds off, it looks like I'll have a full week at work so that's great news for us.
The surf forecast isn't looking that good either so it will be a lot easier working knowing I'm not missing out on any waves.
But, if it is pumping, you know where I'll be.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Trading boards for hard hats

goodbye my precious little bank
My last day of holidays today, as I found out I'm back Steel fixing tmoz. Can't wait!
I couldn't pull myself out of bed for the early, I'm all surfed out. I can't remember the last time I wasn't keen to go for an early when I knew the waves were pumping. However I still had to go down to report on the conditions for Swellnet. As soon as I got there I knew I'd made a mistake and I should have dragged my old Monty Burns-esque body outa bed because it was going off. Anywho I got a great shot for the surf report, there woulda been a few crew wondering where the bloody hell that photo was taken.
swellnet pic
We had a busy morning with the tin lids, swimming lessons first then down to boambee for their massage.
Ari has turned into the naughty kid at swimming lessons who doesn't listen to the teacher, shame. She just plays around going under the water, grabbing the toys she's not spose to, all the while Di is saying "Ari listen" "looking at Di Ari". I could see that even the ever patient Di was getting frustrated.
Isla on the other hand, had her best lesson yet. She loved it! She was constantly trying to go under the water and happily falling in when doing Humpty Dumpty. Go Isla!
That was the fun part done, now it was off to Rosy's house of pain for some Muscle neurology. Both Ari and Isla's spines were out about 1Oml.
It's pretty amazing to sit and watch Rosy work her magic, although hard at times because the girls are in some pain, but you can see the results immediately. I fully recommend adults and kids to hunt down your nearest Rosemond Muscle Neurology center. It is not a pleasant massage but it does wonders, not only physically, but mentally and emotionally as well.
so cute
A quick stop at the shops on the way home then I went surfing with my sister. The waves weren't all time like this morning but we had fun.
Back to the grind tmoz and I'm strangely looking forward to it. It's been about 5 months since I've tied steel.
My tools have probably rusted together, and my back will be pissed off that I'm bending over in the sun, and not lying down on my board, in the ocean, but our bank account will be stoked.